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Eye allergy

What is an eye allergy?

The eye is particularly prone to allergies, since it is constantly in contact with the outside world. About 20% of people have an eye allergy that takes the form of allergic conjunctivitis.

A family history is found in 50% of people affected. Allergic conditions are also frequently present (atopic dermatitis, asthma, food allergy, etc.).

Small amounts of airborne allergens are continuously deposited on the mucous membrane that covers the inside of the eyelids (conjunctiva). The most common form of eye allergy is related to hay fever. The harm to the eye is then associated with nasal discharge or nasal congestion.

What are signs of an eye allergy in children?

Allergies always occur in the same way: after an episode of sensitisation, corresponding to the first contact with the allergen, any new exposure produces marked inflammation. The symptoms of eye allergy are as follows: the eye is itchy, red, irritated and watery. While in severe forms, the eye may burn and light may cause discomfort (photophobia).

In children, there is a more severe and rare form of allergic conjunctivitis: spring conjunctivitis, known as giganto-papillary conjunctivitis. It takes the form of eye redness and severe watering. This condition requires consultation with an ophthalmologist. The diagnosis of an eye allergy may be made after having ruled out the main infectious causes that may affect the eye.

What are symptoms of eye allergy?

Symptoms commonly associated with eye allergy in children include:

  • Watering
  • Eye redness
  • Swelling of the eyelids
  • Itch

What other conditions may resemble eye allergy?

Viral conjunctivitis

Common in the spring and summer, viral conjunctivitis is caused by a highly contagious virus called adenovirus. The eyes are contaminated when fingers carrying the virus touch them. After an incubation period of 2 to 7 days, marked eye redness occurs, with significant watering and sometimes sensitivity to light.

In addition, the presence of this virus requires strict hygiene. After each contact with the eyes, hands must be disinfected with an antiviral antiseptic solution, and each member of the family must only use their own towels to avoid infection. This condition disappears after a period of one to two weeks. Nevertheless, it sometimes requires the use of eye lubricants (artificial tears) or local antibiotics in the form of eye drops.

Herpetic Conjunctivitis

Infection with the herpes virus is most often manifested by a rash of blisters such as cold sores. It can be transferred to the eye and cause an eye infection. Thus, treatment with an antiviral ointment is necessary. In some cases, oral antiviral treatment may be necessary.

Chlamydia Conjunctivitis

Chlamydia conjunctivitis can produce eye redness. Fortunately, this is a rare condition. Chlamydia usually affects the genital tract, but can also cause eye damage. Treatment with antibiotic tablets is necessary.

Bacterial Conjunctivitis

In the case of bacterial conjunctivitis, the eyes are stuck together by purulent, yellowish secretions. Local antibiotic treatment must be prescribed by the ophthalmologist in order to destroy the bacterium in question. In children, mainly upper respiratory tract organisms are responsible.

Exposure to a toxic substance

When exposed to a toxic substance, the danger to the eye is extreme. This results in intense eye redness, associated with abundant watering and differing severities of eye pain. It is not an allergic reaction but a toxic reaction.

In the event of exposure to a toxic substance, emergency measures should be taken: rinse your child’s eyes immediately and thoroughly for 5 minutes under running water to eliminate as much of the toxic substance as possible, then go to an emergency centre as quickly as possible, specifying the nature of the toxic product responsible.

Caution! An allergic reaction affecting the eyes should not be confused with other eye conditions that can cause redness. An examination by the ophthalmologist is always necessary in order to make the correct diagnosis.

What is the treatment of eye allergy?

When combatting eye allergy, prevention is extremely important. Therefore, contact with the pollen(s) to which we are sensitive should be avoided if possible during periods of high pollen levels.

Here are some recommended tips:

  • Close the windows
  • Avoid airing rooms during periods of high pollen
  • Wash your hair regularly
  • Change clothes frequently
  • Wear sunglasses

The treatment of eye allergy is carried out with the help of eye drops and oral antihistamines. Several classes of drugs are available. The aim is to reduce the production of inflammation mediators such as histamine using antihistamines or cromoglycates.

Cortisone is one of the most effective medicines for severe eye allergies, but it can only be administered if regular checks are carried out by an ophthalmologist.

Treatments of eye allergy

  • Prevention: avoid allergens to which we are sensitive, avoid rubbing our eyes. Dilution of antigens by eye lubricating eye drops. The wearing of contact lenses is contraindicated in the allergic patient.
  • Medications: eye drops, antihistamines, mast
    cell stabilisers, topical corticosteroids (different potencies depending on the preparation), topical immunosuppressants (cyclosporin A). Systemic: prescribed by the allergist.
  • Desensitisation therapy proposed by the allergist.

What should I do when my child has an eye allergy?

An allergy assessment often makes it possible to discover the agent responsible for the allergy and sometimes to carry out desensitisation. When the assessment is negative, it does not mean that it is not an allergy. Similarly, some forms of allergy are localised only to the eye and have no other manifestations.

In case of allergy in connection with hay fever, to find out which pollen is causing the allergy, it is necessary to consult the pollen calendar. Variations are possible depending on the weather and the delay or advance of vegetation each year. An eye problem that occurs every year at the same time with an itch, and sometimes a burning sensation in the eyes is strongly suggestive of a secondary pollen allergy.

Source: “Allergies and Intolerances 2018”, Editions Mancassola by Prof. Yan Guex-Crosier

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